Central Park Artist
While walking through Central Park with my new camera I spotted this woman intent on capturing the pavement in water colors. She was bundled up against the fall air and seated on an upturned 5-gallon plastic bucket.

Hint o' Mischief
What secrets is this little girl trying to keep?

Sylvia was standing at an open door watching her daughter and grandson leave for home after an all too brief visit. To me, she is looking into the unknowable distance of time and space. What thoughts were going through her mind then?

While visiting the palace in Schwetzingin, Germany, I spotted this family coming into the 'Moschee'. It was fascinating to watch the families who came in period costume, just because it was a fun thing to do. The Moschee, or mosque, was built as a decorative space and while not originally intended for prayer, it has been used at times for religious purposes. The very different reactions of the two girls makes one wonder what they see outside the frame. Another question: what is the anachronism? is it the camera or the costume?

Anachronism 2
This is the same image as above, but re-cropped. At times I have felt it has a stronger center of focus, but I do miss the little sister in pink.